Read Later 2.0.2

4 min readJun 3, 2021


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Under the Whyte notation for the classification of steam locomotives, 2–2–2–0 usually represents the wheel arrangement of two leading wheels on one axle, four powered but uncoupled driving wheels on two axles, and no trailing wheels, but can also be used to represent two sets of leading wheels (not in a bogie truck) two driving wheels, and no trailing wheels. Some authorities place brackets around the duplicated but uncoupled wheels, creating a notation 2-(2–2)-0,[1] or (2–2)-2–0,[2] as a means of differentiating between them. Others simply refer to the locomotives 2–2–2–0.[3]


The (2–2)-2–0 wheel arrangement was first used on some locomotives introduced on the Eastern Counties Railway by John Chester Craven between 1845 and 1847, and some Crampton locomotives on the South Eastern Railway in 1849.[4] However the 2-(2–2)-0 type is usually associated with Francis Webb of the London and North Western Railway who between 1882 and 1890 introduced a number of compound locomotive classes including the LNWR Webb Experiment Class, LNWR Dreadnought Class and LNWR Teutonic Class.The locomotives were never reliable and Webb’s successor George Whale withdrew them all within three years of taking up office in 1903,[5] The type was used with more success on French railways with a 4-cylinder compound locomotive designed by Alfred de Glehn, of the Société Alsacienne de Constructions Mécaniques (SACM) in 1886. Later examples were of the 4–2–2–0 configuration.


  1. ^Baxter, Bertram (1977). British locomotive catalogue 1825–1923. 1. Buxton: Moorland Publishing. p. 12. ISBN978–0–903485–50–0.
  2. ^Baxter, pp.45 & 67.
  3. ^Casserley, H.C. (1960). Historic locomotive pocket book. London: Batsford. p. 51.
  4. ^Baxter, (1977) pp.45 & 67.
  5. ^Baxter, Bertram (1979). ‘British locomotive catalogue 1825–1923. 2b. Buxton: Moorland Publishing. p. 196. ISBN0–903485–84–2.

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Please follow the steps for your operating system.

Once installation is complete, you can run mitmproxy, mitmdump ormitmweb from a terminal.

Installation on macOS¶

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You can use Homebrew to install everything:

Or you can download the pre-built binary packages from our releases.

Installation on Windows¶

The recommended way to install mitmproxy on Windows is to use the installerprovided at After installation, you’ll find shortcuts formitmweb (the web-based interface) and mitmdump in the start menu.Both executables are added to your PATH and can be invoked from the commandline.


Mitmproxy’s console interface is not supported on Windows, but you can usemitmweb (the web-based interface) and mitmdump.

Installation on Linux¶

The recommended way to run mitmproxy on Linux is to use the pre-built binariesprovided at releases.

Our pre-built binaries provide you with the latest version of mitmproxy, aself-contained Python 3.5 environment and a recent version of OpenSSL thatsupports HTTP/2. Of course, you can also install mitmproxy from source if youprefer that (see Advanced Installation).

Advanced Installation¶

Docker Images¶

You can also use the official mitmproxy images from DockerHub. That beingsaid, our portable binaries are just as easy to install and even easier to use. 😊

Installation on Arch Linux¶

mitmproxy has been added into the [community] repository. Use pacman to install it:

Installation from Source on Ubuntu¶

Ubuntu comes with Python but we need to install pip3, python3-dev and severallibraries. This was tested on a fully patched installation of Ubuntu 16.04.

On older Ubuntu versions, e.g., 12.04 and 14.04, you may need to installa newer version of Python. mitmproxy requires Python 3.5 or higher. Please takea look at pyenv. Make sure to have an up-to-date version of pip by runningpip3install-Upip.

Installation from Source on Fedora¶

Fedora comes with Python but we need to install pip3, python3-dev and severallibraries. This was tested on a fully patched installation of Fedora 24.

Read Later 2.0.2 Online

Make sure to have an up-to-date version of pip by running pip3install-Upip.

🐱💻 Installation from Source on Windows¶


Mitmproxy’s console interface is not supported on Windows, but you can usemitmweb (the web-based interface) and mitmdump.

First, install the latest version of Python 3.5 or later from the Pythonwebsite. During installation, make sure to select Add Python to PATH.

Mitmproxy has no other dependencies on Windows. You can now install mitmproxy by running

Latest Development Version¶

If you would like to install mitmproxy directly from the master branch on GitHubor would like to get set up to contribute to the project, install thedependencies as you would for a regular installation from source. Then see theproject’s README on GitHub. You can check your system informationby running: mitmproxy--version

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